Sunday, April 12, 2009

Sleep, Eat, watch movie

My sleep pattern has been very off lately. I work 8p.m.-4a.m. Monday through Friday. For the most part I try to come home and sleep by 6a.m. before the sun rises. However this week was different, I just couldn't fall asleep right away, too much on my mind. So I decided to do things if I couldn't sleep. The only problem was by the time the weekend came, my sleep pattern was so off I slept all day Saturday and Sunday and was up at the odd times that most people aren't. Today Sunday, I slept from 12noon to 10p.m. and now I am wide awake again. I just watched the movie Croupier and eat a rice krispie treat with the Herbalife shake mix I put in it. So far for the night, I have eaten good healthy food. Now I am trying to decide if I can try to force myself to sleep and wake up early or just stay up and do things.


Carlos said...

i used to work nights. sucks when you are tired but can't sleep

wildfluffysheep said...

Man, sleeping odd times is the worst. I love sleep. One tiny thing that knocks off my pattern and I am no good. Sleeping well is sooo key to what I'm doing now. Hope you sort your sleeping out :D