Thursday, October 8, 2009

Food Log for the day

I want to first thank anyone that has donated to my cause for Crohns and Colitis. I have got two donations so far, for $5 each. Not a lot but it all adds up and it makes me feel good people are supporting me. For all my blogger friends, if you support the cause with a donation of $50 or more, I will give you a small shake from my website for free.
So far it has really helped me joining this foundation. I ran 9 miles last Saturday. 3 Miles after work on Tuesday. And 5 miles after work on Wednesday.

Woke up at 3p.m.
1. Whole wheat crackers with salsa with Herbalife Tea

6p.m. before work- had a Wild Berry Herbalife Shake with frozen strawberries and Orange Juice

9p.m. More Herbalife Tea

11p.m. Had Dinner- Corn, Beef Wrap, Bowl of Soup

1a.m.- Had a Herbalife Instant Shake with Herbalife H3O Orangeade

3a.m.- Get out of work

3:30a.m. I was at LVAC- the gym, did 5 miles on the treadmill then I went in the hot tube, I love hot tubes!

Stop at Wal Mart on the way home

Now I am home 5:45a.m.

I made up a new shake- Herbalife Cookies and Cream shake, 1/2 bag of 100 calorie Planters Peanut Butter Cookie Crisps, a few Nestle Milk Chocolate Chips, and 1% Milk - At least I got the Herbalife nutrition in with the shake


antgirl said...

It's great to see you all motivated, with a plan and moving forward. Awesome, Emmett!

Gina; The Candid RD said...

Emmett, if you don't want the link to show on your blog, you can use that same gadget and just put a link on there that when people click on "colitis donation.." it will go straight to the site.

Gina; The Candid RD said...

I'm glad your motivation is kicking in, by the way :) You seem to be in a much better place than two weeks ago!

Cammy@TippyToeDiet said...

You're on a roll now!

(I'll let you know if I have any of my LV time frees up. so far, my friends have me scheduled for the whole trip.)

Christine said...

Well, sounds like your on track. five miles on the treadmill is no joke. I like Hot tubs too. Just don't have access to one. Keep up the good work.